Sharing knowledge on climate change and sustainable development
Sharing knowledge is a powerful way to create common ground and support each other in evolving all together, so that “top” and "bottom” can start looking a bit more alike.
Compassi offers once a year a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) course, where knowledge on this powerful tool to assess environmental impacts is shared straight from the top researchers around the world. The course lasts approximately 3 months and consists both of theory and practice.
Compassi also works with high-school and higher educations institutes to share some of the latest knowledge on climate change and sustainability. Lectures can be introductory to the topics of climate change and sustainability or in-depth on a specific issue. Examples of topics covered are: the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, the ecological transition, transformation, assessment methodologies, etc. Contact us if you want to hear more and tell us what you are interested in.