Net-zero export credit: tracking the carbon footprint of EKF


The central and enabling role of finance for climate action is recognized in the Paris Agreement’s objective of making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. Through this statement, the Paris agreement sends a strong signal about the need to focus on all finance (both public and private, domestic and international) and ensure its supportiveness of the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient, world.

EKF is Denmark’s Export Credit Agency (ECA) and provides guarantees to Danish companies to export technology. Projects can vary a lot in size, from the export of an individual piece of equipment, to the construction of a 500 km railway, or a 1000 MW wind park.

EKF’s strategy incorporates clear objectives for supporting the global goals on climate change by first measuring the climate impact of its portfolio, moving towards aligning the portfolio to the Paris Agreement, ultimately reducing the portfolio impact towards net-zero emissions.

To support EKF in meeting this objective, Compassi develops the methodological framework for measuring the GHG emissions of EKF, taking into account the current best practice, and any additional consideration relevant for adapting the methodologies available to the context of Export Credit Agencies and to EKF.

This methodology is then applied to measure EKF’s carbon footprint (i.e., the total absolute emissions of EKF’s portfolio), thereby tracking the greenhouse gas emissions of thousands of projects, and enabling EKF to steer their impacts towards net-zero.