In questo periodo in cui le aziende pubblicano il loro “Annual Report”, è tempo anche per me di fare un bilancio (di carbonio) di come è andato l’anno scorso. Quando mi sono trasferito da Copenaghen a Montecchio Maggiore a fine 2021, ero molto curioso delle conseguenze che questo trasloco avrebbe avuto sulla mia impronta di
read moreAs companies publish their annual report it is time to take a (carbon) stock of how last year went. As I moved back to the Italian countryside from Copenhagen, I was very curious about the consequences of this move on my carbon footprint. The move was in fact taken also as a way to experiment
read moreCompassi is now officially established and online. Our mission is to help institutions and people to navigate the sustainability transition. We do that by using quantitative assessment tools like Life Cycle Assessment, to generate environmental metrics and orient clients towards sustainability.
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